R v Hayde - [2024] NZHC 374

Date of Judgment

29 February 2024


R v Hayde (PDF 206 KB)


Murder - Life imprisonment with minimum non-parole period of 17 years. The Court found s 104(1 )(c) of the Sentencing Act was engaged as the defendant went to the victim's property with the intent to assault the victim. Under s 103 an MPI for the murder alone of 13½ years was required. An uplift of four years in the MPI for the charge of attempting to pervert the course of justice was appropriate. Further uplifts in total of six months for separate offending against the defendant's former partner and the fact the murder occurred while on bail. MPI of 17 years or more was not manifestly unjust. Reduction in the resultant MPI of 18 years by 12 months to take account of personal factors.