Coercing marriage or civil union (Section 207A Crimes Act 1961)

Charge 1: Coercing marriage or civil union under section 207A Crimes Act 1961

The Crown must prove each element of the offence. That is called the burden of proof. The Crown carries that burden. Also, the Crown must prove each element beyond reasonable doubt. That is called the standard of proof. It means you must be sure that each element is proved.


Are you sure that on 19 July 2019 at Tauranga, Mr Smith threatened to “smash” Ms Jones?


If no, find Mr Smith not guilty.

If yes, go to question two.


Are you sure that, in threatening to “smash” Ms Jones, Mr Smith intended to cause Ms Jones to enter into a marriage with him?


If no, find Mr Smith not guilty.

If yes, find Mr Smith guilty.